Saturday, 26 October 2013

I'm Back, Baby!


OMG! It's been so long since I have posted!  Right?  Changes undocumented!  Feelings lost in the ether! So what to write about?  Well, how about....Rainbow Stage?  You know, Rainbow Stage:

What the frick?

No! That's a Rainbow Stag Beetle!  I don't wanna talk about that!  What do I know from beetles?  I am not an endocrinologist! Rainbow Stage!:

Trippy ceiling thingy, right!?

Saturday, 15 June 2013

For Father's Day Weekend... A Story About My Pop!

Here comes the train!

Well hello!  I'm back!  With a story!  A happy story.  For once, right? Ha.  Gotta mix it up, right? Right.

So! The year?  Maybe 1994-ish?  I was working for a place called "Plan-it Recycling".  It's a play on words.  Plan-it - planet.  Like as in Earth.  Get it?  What did Plan-it do?  Well, back in those olden days, Winnipeg had no municipal recycling service.  You want your refuse recycled instead of land-filled?  You gotta take it to a drop off place or hire somebody to come by and pick it up every week.  Which is what we did.  We had the blue boxes.  And six days a week, we had trucks out there driving routes picking up recyclables.  JJ?  He worked the evening shift.  The evening shift was responsible for making sure all the recyclable were put into these big semi trailers, making sure that the trucks were ready for the day drivers and making everything spic and span.  And one more thing.  Every day, there would be boxes that were missed.  Either because they were put out after the driver went by, or it was a new driver who didn't know where the box was and zoomed past or some other reason.   Most people were ok to wait until the next week.  But not everybody.  Some of them would and say "You better come get my recyclables!"  And we would! Can't let them be unhappy and quit and go to Red Box!  Or Green Box!  Competition was tight!

Then the city decided it would, after all, get into the recycling biz.  So they put the contract out to bid.  And Plan-It didn't get it.  And we were sad.  See?

Woe is us.  And our plaid shorts...ok, JJ's plaid shorts...

My dad...was a bit of pack rat.  And...a bit of a garbage picker.  Like, nothing crazy.  I don't think he would have made it to an episode of "Hoarders" or anything.  He just had a tendency to...collect stuff...and never get rid of it.  And he could not walk down the back lane behind our house without scanning for goodies.  Perfectly good things that somebody has inexplicably thrown away.  I can remember at least one garden hose that was good as new with some duct tape.  And the family homestead kind of had a lot of places where you could just put crap, and then forget it, without it getting in your way.  Under the front porch, in the back porch, under the back porch, in one of the corners of the roughly one-third-finished basement.  

The signature "get" in my dad's collection, had to be this air conditioner that he found in the lane.  It must have been from, like, the 1950's maybe?  It was massive. I don't even think it would fit in a window.  And probably weighed 200 pounds. But he had big plans to get it running and cooling that house.  My brother and I finally got rid of it when we cleaning the house out to sell it.  

Ahhhh...there she is.  The old homestead, circa summer of 2007
That's E-man in my arms and G-man's head at the front...good times...

Eventually Plan-It bought their own trucks.  Specially designed to pick up and sort your recyclables!  But not at first.  At first?  We drove these babies. Cube vans.  Sweet, right?  Bucket seats.  Automatic transmission.  AM Radio.

Did the company own them? Nope.  It rented them.  First from Budget.  Then, from Ryder.  I have to doubt how much money was actually made by either of those companies from renting trucks to Plan-It.  I don't think any of their invoices were paid until they threatened to repossess the trucks, and the beating those trucks took...the worst was when you had to go pick up or drop off a truck at the rental company.  The bad vibe was palpable.  "You fucker".  And it was like: "C'mon man! I don't pay the bills!  I just drive the truck! Now, gimme anther one so we can trash it too."

                                                                        Beep Beep! Hey, got any recyclables!?

When I was a kid, my parents decided to put siding on the house.  It was brick, and very nice, but I think it was in such a state of disrepair that it would be too pricey to fix.  So they decided on siding.  And they hired some company to do it.  And I remember there was some convoluted incident where maybe they left the siding at the house overnight and somebody came and stole a bunch of it and so they had to get another kind but there was some of the old stuff left over...? Or something?  Anyways, the result was that the house was sided with vinyl siding, but there was a bunch of aluminum siding left over.  Which they just gave to my dad.  And which he shoved under the deck in the back yard.  And left there for the next fifteen years.  While he waited for the opportunity to somehow, someway, use it.  

JJ and co-engineers building a fort in the back yard - 
"Lucky for us there is all this wood just lying around...."

One night, after the switch to Ryder trucks, JJ gets the call to be one of the guys going out picking up missed boxes.  Which is cool.  Drive around the city, listening to tunes (Ryders had FM radio!).  No Prob.  I am zipping around.  Sorting recyclables.  Grooving.  Got a box to pick up in the southern part of the city.  I head down the lane and make the turn...going nice and easy...nice and slow...and the truck stops.  "Huh?"  I gun the engine a little bit.  The truck moves forward...and then back.  I am stuck on something.  Fuuuuuuuck...  

Now at this point, I will tell you something about good ole' Plan-It.  A lot of the job was driving.  For the company.  But if you got in any sort of accident on the job?  You were on your own.  They didn't cover you at all.  I am not even sure it was legal to do that.  But what the fuck did we know?  We were just a bunch of young dudes.  "Ok!  I guess I better drive careful if I don't want to risk paying all of my $9.00 an hour earnings to an insurance company!"

Back to the story!  I hop out of the truck.  See a low hanging tree branch above the cube part of the truck... 

"Aha!" I say to myself.  "The cube must be caught on that!  I think the trick is to hop back in the truck, gun the engine...and I will just pop out!  No muss, no fuss!"  So I hop back in the truck.  Put it in drive and gun the engine.  There is...the most...godawful squealing noise...but I am moving forward...and moving forward...("squuuueeeaaallll!!")...and...I am free! Yes!  Fuck you, tree branch!  

And I stop and hop out to inspect any damage...look at the top of the cube...intact.  Fuck yes! Dodged a bullet there!  Then I happen to glance back down the lane from whence I had come...and...was that piece of yellow-painted wood lying in the lane by that hydro cable there before?

Walk back to check it out..."hmm...that's not wood...that's what the truck cube is made of...ooooohhhhhhh..."  I wasn't actually caught by a tree on the roof.  I was caught by one of those hydro cables that come up from the ground.  It was in the wheel well.  If I  had backed up, I would have freed myself.  But instead I gunned it and the cable acted like a saw blade and sheared off the bottom foot of the cube from the well to the back of the truck.  "Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck. "

I don't know what to do.  I pick up the piece of fibreglass.  Put it in the cab with me...  Drive...home...  Where I take the piece of fibreglass and throw it...under the back deck.  On top of what?  The aluminum siding, of course!  Then I drive back to the warehouse.  I park it and look at the side with the sheared off part.  "It doesn't look that bad...I am not sure anybody will notice...probably no one will notice...the cube is still intact..."  Bottom line?  I didn't fess up.  I should have.  It was not the honourable route.  But I didn't.  $500 deductible on the truck.  For which I alone am responsible.  And for something that doesn't actually detract from the utility of the truck...  And yet...


That was me.  What kind of example was I setting for future G-man and E-man!  But no worries! The folks at Ryder...noticed that there was a piece of their truck missing.  And so I was asked "Hey, JJ, anything happen that night?"  And of course I say "Yes, it did, but I didn't think it was that big a deal..."

Well, it was, I was told.  Ryder wasn't too crazy about it.  Gonna take some serious $ to repair. Full deductible and mark on JJ's insurance. UNLESS! If Ryder had the missing piece of truck, they will just graft it back on!  Cost me just a little!  "Heck yes" I think to myself!  And I say: "Why, as a matter of fact, I do still have it...I just left it at home..."

So that night, I get home from work, late in the evening.  And I head to the back yard, to get my piece of truck...  "Huh.  I thought I left it right here..." Keep looking... "Got to be around here somewhere..." Keep looking...becoming a little more frantic... "Fuck!" Cannot find it anywhere.

The conclusion of the story?  As if it's not obvious...  I asked my parents the next day if they had seen this $500 piece of fibreglass.  My father had, of course, thrown it away.  "I thought it was trash!!!"

So...$500 later...

Beep boop.

JJ out!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Costa Rica - Part VII - Hometime and Random Thoughts!

Well, for the last time...Pura Vida, mi amigos!

Last post about Costa Rica.  What's left to say, you ask?  Well...plenty!  I can write about anything!  Clearly! Ha!

But seriously, mi amigos...get ready for some random thoughts!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Costa Rica - Part VI - The Penultimate Entry - Dinner Partying!

Meow! Hiss!  Cat's don't like fire!

Pura Vida!  The penultimate post about Costa Rica!  It was going to be the last one, but I didn't want to miss an opportunity to use the word "penultimate".  Plus as one post, it was running loooong.

Friday, 3 May 2013

On the Defriending - or - JJ, don't be sad, 'cause one out three ain't bad...


Hello!  Hey! This isn't about Costa Rica?  Nope!  Although I do have one more Costa Rica post in me!

This about friends.  And the loss thereof.  

When the ex and I entered splitsville, I tried to be realistic.  I was pretty sure that the entire group of friends was not going to stay friends with both of us.  Certainly, there was group of friends that you would consider closer to her than to me.  And vice versa.  And I tried to prepare myself for that.  "Steel myself", if you will.  "JJ, you will likely not have further contact with these people." 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Costa Rica - Part V - Zip Linin'!

Rock and Roll Casabas!

Pura Vida!  JJ here! Back again! More Costa Rica! Sheesh, you'd think JJ never goes anywhere, by the number of posts!  And you'd be right! So I'ma gonna just keep posting!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Costa Rica - Part IV - Croc Tour!

Los Suenos mi amigos!

Pura vida!  As you can tell from my no longer oddly sized/placed photo, JJ is now reunited with his laptop in good ole' Canada.  But he isn't done describing Costa Rica! No sir!

Up there is a pic of the modest villa where we stayed.

Know what they have in Costa Rica? Crocodiles.  And you can go on a boat tour to see 'em  ! Let's go!

A van picks us up from the hotel. Six-ish year old kid in the passenger seat.  No explanation.  It's cool.  we drive for 20 minutes or so. Stop outside the Costa Rican equivalent of a variety store. Kid gets out.  We start driving again.  Cool.  My tour mate asks "is that your son?"

"Yes".  Ok.  Man of few words. He didn't seem like a dick or anything.  Just not chatty.

And here we are!  Who has to pee before we go?

Cool urinal, bro.

Then into the boat, and we're off!  Our tour guide is a very nice young fellow.  He points out the animals on the shore.  An iguana! A basilisk!  How does he make sure we see the animals (which there is a 90% chance I wouldn't)? He uses a green laser pointer.  Cruising down croc river with a green laser pointer.  Man, I did not see that coming.   

Now! Where them crocs?

These them?

 Nope.  Just lifejackets and a tourist.

These them?

Nope.  Just some cows wading in the river that has 17 foot crocs in it.  No big whoop.  Does the farmer who owns these cows have croc insurance? I dunno! Hope so!

Hmmm...where could they be...?


I'm a croc! If I wanna lie here with my mouth open, that's what I am gonna do!

Then we motor to this embankment and ground the boat.  The driver hops up, rolls up his pant legs, then reaches into a cooler and pulls out some raw chicken pieces.  Then...he does this:

Yikes!  Am I right?  And true, you could probably find lots of videos of croc feeding on YouTube, but no other ones with JJ's witty editorial commentary! For example: "...holy crap...(nervous laughter)..." Brilliant!

Then we tool around some more... and then feed another croc! (not me of course...our intrepid boat driver).  This one is like 17 feet long we are told.  Apparently National Geographic measured him last year.  

This guy didn't seem as hungry.  It's possible that we were the 25th boat or more that stopped and gave him some chicken that day.  Dunno. But whatever, what a monster!

We zoom around some more, then back to shore.  Into our man of few word's van (this time... no kid) and back to the hotel!

JJ out! Next time...Zip lining through the Jungle!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Costa Rica - Part III!

Pura Vida!

Day two!

Busy all morning. Got responsibilities.

But afternoon free. Monkeys! Gimme!

Talk to a woman about where I can go to see monkeys. She says "go here!" "At 6 in the morning!" It's afternoon now, but ...maybe?

So I get my running gear and head out! Go down this road by a golf course. It starts to go up. And up. And up. And it's so hot. And humid. And monkeyless.

So keep going. See nobody. No cars. No folks. (No monkeys!). Until the road ends. At a gate. And a private property sign. And a dog bowl. And a dog house. And a leash staked to the ground. With nothing attached. Ahh! Wild dog on the loose! In the middle of nowhere!

But beautiful view! Right?

Then run back to hotel and eat and drink and stuff.

JJ out!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Costa Rica - Part II!

Day one!

Get up and go for a run! Along the beach. Nice. Hot. Humid. I walk across stones to island. Figure I will climb to the top. No path. I struggle through the brush for a while. Lots of thorns. Owie. Hurty. Fuck it. That's high enough. Went back down. But here's a pic from the majestic peak! Which was no where near the majestic peak!

Plus: Lizards! So many! This guy was on my deck chair. So I killed it. And then are it. No I didn't! I just said "cool lizard bro".
Because I am cool.

But no monkeys. Just so you know, I have vowed (solemnly even) that I will see a monkey on this trip. And I intend to keep that vow! By the seven! Or the weirwood! Right? Winter is coming! Right? Right.

And then I went to the hotel bar and drank some all inclusive beers and ate some all inclusive food. Magical!

Pura vida! (That's what the Costa Ricans say!)

JJ out!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Costa Rica - JJ in paradise - Part I: Transit!!

O-la mis amigos!

Heading south! Where, you ask?

Costa Rica! Where's that? South! That's all I know! Ok I know a little more than that. But not much!

Exciting! All inclusive! As I write this, I am heading towards my layover. Where's that? San Salvador! It's just like the James Woods/Jim Belushi movie! Except I will just be at the airport. And am not a reporter or whatever those guys were.

I worked with a guy from El Salvador a long time ago at the ole' recycling plant.

He was a very nice guy. We did a few routes together. Because of his Spanish accent the first time I heard him say "it's chilly out" I thought he said "it's shitty out". So I said "yeah." Because it was.

After it came out that he had actually said chilly, and that he had no idea what shitty meant, he told me that he didn't like the fact that dictionaries did not have swear words, because he heard those and didn't know what they meant. So I told him my mom had one with ALL the cusses and that I would look up the title and tell him. But then I forgot. And he asked me about, and I said I would. And I forgot again. He left for another job soon after. Probably because of chumps like me. Or chump.

Anyways! Get to the airport! Where do I go!? I don't know! I haven't flown internationally in like ten years! Do I have to go through customs? Rube!

I didn't have to go through customs. But what is the plane going to look like? Is it going to be nice? Budget? Will it look like one of those trains in India where they are super crowded and people are hanging off the side? Yikes, I feel like that fear may be offensive. And anyways, the plane is so nice! Leg room! Brand new! And for your viewing pleasure? (I put the picture in here but u don't know where it's going to go. I am doing this on my phone.)

Gotta turn off the cell phone before we take off. But it's ok, I brought a book! Something about a cop. And some murder. Crime! I get to page four and there is this line that refers to this woman who "hung" herself. Not hanged. hung. Look. I don't think I am (or at least try not to be) a big snob. If I ever read that in a message somebody wrote to me or what somebody said to me, it's fine. I don't care. But this is something done author. Isn't it the guy's job to know that? And it's reviewed by an editor. Isn't it the editor's job to catch that? And, like, on page four? What is the rest of this book going p be like? "So I go to her..." "So she goes to me..."

I abandoned it.

The plane brakes (I guess?) made a weird on and off sound as the plane was slowing down after landing. I thought for a second that a dog was chasing the plane and barking as it went down the runway. I am a bad person.

San Salvador airport. Nice! Had a little layover so went the the restaurant and had a local beer! It was not good! Picture below! Or somewhere!

Flight two!

The plane not as new or nice. But fine! They fed us! I thought it was some local cuisine, from the package. Adventurous! It was a ham sandwich. But it did have peppers on it!

The a/c in the plane was misting as it came out. Humid! Or getting gassed! But I still feel ok, so I think it was humidity! And in the safety demonstration, the flight attendants actually put on the life vests. Which was a little disconcerting. But it was fine! Safe!

Land at San Jose airport. Customs! I watched "Argo" on my first flight so thanks to Ben Affleck, I know exactly how to act when going through customs: super super serious. Doesn't set off the alarm bells at all! Thanks Ben!

Get through customs. See two young couples with their surfboards going through. Damn hippies. So carefree. (Can I come with you guys?)

Then a 60 mile van ride to Los Suenos! So nice! Yikes! When do they find out I am not worthy and kick me out!?

Ok! That was day 1! JJ out!

Tune in tomorrow!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Ottawa - Toronto...With the "back" and the "forth"...and all of these types of things... Part I - Plane!

Brrrrrrrrommmmmm!!! (that's the sound the engines make!)

Hi!  I’m back!  How you guy(s) been? No taking wooden nickels, I hope!  I understand it’s a common issue these days!

Anyhoo, as I write this (this part anyways…), I am on a train hurtling towards Toronto.  Ok, maybe “hurtling” is a bit strong.  “Cruising”?  That’s probably better.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, once it really gets going, it can go at a pretty good pace, but there’s a lot of spots along the way where you slow right down.  I don’t even know why.  I can only assume. Cows on the track?  Train Robbery? (Cool!) Could be.  I just don’t know. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Mobile Blog Post!


What's up?

Long time since last entry! Jonesing for a new one but don't have computer! Riding train! Toot! Toot!

Using Blogger App! Don't know how! Little dinosaur arms make it difficult!

I just posted a pic too. I don't know where it's gonna go. Very confusing. It's of the view from my new apartment! Who doesn't want to look at a dumpster, is what I say!

Ok. I think that's it. Gonna post this and see what happens!

I love technology...but not as much as you my dear...but I still love technology...

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Game of Thrones Thoughts...Part II!

Ravens! Ca-caw! Ca-caw! Look Out! It's Ray Lewis!

Ok!  JJ's back! 

Now, where was I, before I went all Sean Bean-y?  Ah yes, thoughts on the ole' Game of Thrones...

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Game of Thrones - Review that turns into thoughts that turns into possibly unsettling fanboy review of Sean Bean's filmography...Part I

Yo, Internet!  Or should I say "Hail, my liege!"  Guess what book I just finished?  Yep, the "Ziggy" treasury.

"Ready to play some games with some thrones! It's like musical chairs, right?  At which I always lose, because I am Ziggy..."

No! Just kidding!  Although I have no problem with Ziggy.  I just think his sad sack picture is funny.  I was actually going to cut out Ziggy's head and put it on sword dude's up there, but apparently, while you can do it on your PC with “MS Paint”, you CAN’T do that on a Mac (humble brag) unless you get Photoshop or some such.  (A program I have to pay for?  Forget it, I’ll suffer! Right? Right.)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Endings and Beginnings

Well Internet, I reckon I just can't come up with some sort of hook for this entry.  Try and tie stuff together all neat like.  Did try.  Can't do it.  But we'll just move ahead anyways.

Six months-ish ago, this was me:

Artist's Rendition

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

An Odd Occurrence

Hey! Internet! How the heck are you!?  Gosh! I hope your holidays were good!  It's a great time of the year.  So much family! Can't get enough!  But I ain't got time for that! (you probably aren’t going to click on that link, which I totally dig, but I am telling you, you are fucking missing out if you don't.