Thursday, 27 December 2012

Why the Movie Serendipity is Kind of a Turd

Internet! Guess what I am doing? Watching a movie! On Boxing Day!  (By the way, Internet, may I wish a Merry Christmas to you and yours!)

What movie?  This one!

How is it, you ask?  Well, I will tell you! It's terrible!  "But why, JJ?  Why is it so bad?" you are probably asking.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Santa Run! 2012!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Well folks, last weekend.  Santa Run.  Did it.  Thought it would be good to blog about.  In the actual doing of it, not really sure it's worth blogging about.  But hey!  I'm a blogger!  That's what I do! No matter how mundane the topic! Or whatever.

Anyways!  The Santa Run!  2012! Burlington, Ontario! (In which there is not actually a coat factory, because THAT Burlington is in the U.S.!)  How long?  Five kilometres.  The hook?  Everyone running...has to do it in a Santa suit!  That's why it's called "The Santa Run"!  The largest in Canada, so they say.