Howdy. Figured while I was talking about being honest in my blog, I should probably talk about one more thing. Which I think a lot of people reading this already know. I will give you a hint. The photo above was taken in my apartment. ("Your apartment!? Whuuut?????" I am sure almost none of the people reading this are saying.)
Anyways, yep. Status: separated. Since January. If being unemployed feeds into my posts, well how can being separated not do the same? Well, it does. Of course it does. Unless you ignore it like I have been. Which makes posts sound incomplete. So no more.
Which is not to say I am going to write about the separation itself. No worries. I ain't. And I am not looking for any sympathy. But the topic may/will come up when I am talking about me boys. And I don't want to just leave out anymore. So yeah. Separated. Living in a dinky little one bedroom apt close by the house.
Ok. That about covers it. Do you feel better? I feel better.
JJ outie.